DJI DL 35mm F2.8 LS ASPH Leaf Shutter Lens for the Zenmuse X7

During their Zenmuse X7 event in Hollywood, CA on October 11, 2017, DJI announced four new prime lenses clearly aimed at the professional photographer or filmmaker. The third lens is a normal DL 35mm F2.8 LS ASPH lens with a leaf shutter, (available in single shot mode) that supports shutter speeds up to 1/1000s and is meant to eliminate rolling shutter effects and banding when shooting in artificial light. Any filter with a diameter of 46 mm that weighs 10-12 grams and is no thicker than 4.4 mm can be used with Zenmuse X7 lenses, according to DJI. When taking stills, the focal length multiplier is 1.5m turning the 35mm lens into a 52mm lens.