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DJI drones with 10-bit D-Log M: A complete guide

D-Log mode, a feature prominent in DJI drones and cameras, is a powerful tool for content creators striving for high-quality, professional-grade footage. To grasp its significance, it’s essential to delve into what D-Log mode is and why it matters.

What is D-Log mode?

D-Log mode is an exclusive color profile that DJI has designed to capture a broader dynamic range and preserve more detail in both the highlights and shadows of an image. Essentially, it is a logarithmic color profile that flattens the image contrast and expands the dynamic range. This profile is not intended for direct viewing but is specifically designed for post-production editing, where the footage can be color-graded to achieve the desired look.

When a DJI drone captures footage in D-Log mode, the resulting video appears desaturated and flat. This might seem counterintuitive at first, but this flattened appearance is intentional. By reducing contrast and saturation, D-Log mode retains more information from the darkest shadows to the brightest highlights. This ensures that details are not lost in areas that would otherwise be underexposed or overexposed in standard shooting modes.

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Why is D-Log mode important?

  1. Enhanced dynamic range: The most significant advantage of using D-Log mode is the enhanced dynamic range. You can capture scenes with both very bright and very dark areas without losing detail. For example, shooting a landscape with a bright sky and a dark foreground can be challenging. D-Log mode preserves details in both the sky and the ground, providing more flexibility during the editing process.
  2. Better color grading: Color grading is a crucial step in the post-production process, where you adjust the color and contrast of the footage to achieve a specific mood or style. The flat color profile of the D-Log mode serves as an excellent base for color grading. It offers more room to adjust colors and contrast without degrading the image quality, so you can craft the exact look you want.
  3. Consistency in different lighting conditions: Shooting in varying lighting conditions can lead to inconsistencies in footage. D-Log mode helps mitigate this by capturing a consistent image quality that can be uniformly color-graded in post-production. This is particularly beneficial for videos shot over multiple days or in changing weather conditions.
  4. Professional-grade footage: For professional content creators, delivering high-quality footage is paramount. D-Log mode provides the flexibility and control needed to meet the demands of professional video production. The ability to fine-tune every aspect of the image in post-production ensures that the final product meets the highest standards of quality.
  5. Future-proofing content: As display technology evolves, with higher dynamic range (HDR) and better color accuracy becoming more common, footage shot in D-Log mode is better prepared for future formats. It contains more visual information, making it adaptable to new display technologies and ensuring the longevity and relevance of the content.

Basically, D-Log mode is a vital feature for anyone serious about aerial cinematography. By capturing a broader dynamic range and offering greater flexibility in post-production, it elevates the quality and professionalism of the footage. Whether it’s for a high-budget film or a personal project, utilizing D-Log mode allows creators to push the boundaries of what’s possible in drone videography, delivering stunning, detailed, and visually captivating content.

Using LUTs with DJI D-Log footage

The color grading process for D-log footage requires LUT (Look-Up Table) files. Think of these as color-grading presets that can transform the color and tone of an image or video. They are mathematical formulas that map one set of color values to another, enabling a quick and consistent application of a particular look or style to footage. You will also need a LUT to convert your D-log footage to a standard color space like Rec. 709. Once converted, you can apply additional creative LUTs or manual color adjustments to achieve the desired final look.

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Which DJI products support D-Log mode? Which models have official LUT files?

Generally, only those products that support D-Log mode will have LUT files. However, LUT files are not available for some products that do support D-Log mode. In such cases, you must complete the color matching on your own. 

Product ModelSupports D-Log?Provides LUT?LUT Download LinkLUT File Name
DJI Avata 2×D-Log MYes Click to viewDJI Avata 2 DJI D-Log M to Rec.709
Osmo Pocket 3×D-Log MYes Click to viewDJI OSMO Pocket 3 D-Log M to Rec.709
DJI Mini 4 Pro×D-Log MYesClick to viewDJI Mini 4 Pro DJI D-Log M to Rec.709
Osmo Action 4 × D-Log MYes Click to viewDJI OSMO Action 4 D-Log M to Rec.709 vivid LUT 
DJI Air 3× D-Log MYes Click to viewDJI Air 3 DJI D-Log M to Rec.709 
DJI Mavic 3 Pro × √ Yes Click to view DJI Mavic 3 D-Log to Rec.709 vivid LUT 
DJI Inspire 3× √ Yes Click to view Zenmuse X9 D-Log to Rec.709 LUT
DJI Mini 3× × — — — 
DJI Mini 3 Pro×D-Cinelike
DJI Mavic 3 Classic
DJI Mavic 3
×YesClick to viewD-Log to Rec.709 LUT
DJI Ronin 4D × Yes Click to view Zenmuse X9 D-Log to Rec.2020 HLG LUT
Zenmuse X9 D-Log to Rec.709 LUT
DJI Air 2S×D-Log MYesClick to viewD-Log M to Rec709 LUT
DJI Mini 2
DJI Mini 2 SE
DJI Mini 4K
Mavic Air 2×D-Cinelike-—
Mavic Air×D-Cinelike
Mavic Mini××
Mavic 2 Pro×D-Log MYesClick to viewMavic 2 D-Log M to Rec. 709 LUT
Mavic 2 Zoom×D-Cinelike
Mavic Pro
Phantom 4 Advanced
Phantom 4 Pro
Phantom 4 Pro V2.0
Phantom 4YesClick to viewPhantom 4 Dlog 3DLUT
Phantom 3 SeriesPartially availablePhantom 3 Advanced: Click to view
Phantom 3 Pro: Click to view  
Phantom 3 4K: Click to view
Phantom 3 Advanced/Phantom 3 Pro: Dlog to sRGB 3DLUT
Phantom 3 4K: Inspire 1/ Phantom 3/ X5 Log Mode Transcoding Tool
Phantom 2 Vision+× × — — — 
Zenmuse X7D-CinelikeYesClick to view 
Zenmuse X5SYesClick to viewD-Log to Rec.709 LUT
Zenmuse X4S
Zenmuse X3YesClick to view 
Zenmuse Z3Click to viewPhantom 4 Dlog 3DLUT
 Zenmuse X5YesClick to viewDlog to sRGB 3DLUT
Zenmuse X5RYesClick to viewDlog to sRGB 3DLUT
Osmo Pocket×D-Cinelike
Osmo Action 3 × D-Cinelike — — — 
DJI Action 2× D-Cinelike — — — 
Osmo Action×D-Cinelike
DJI Pocket 2×D-Cinelike

If you’d like to learn how D-Log to Rec. 709 LUT software works with Blackmagic Davinci Resolve, Adobe Premiere Pro, and Apple Final Cut Pro X, refer to this DLog-M to Rec. 709 LUT User Guide.

Read more: How to stream your DJI drone video to Facebook using Litchi

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Avatar for Ishveena Singh Ishveena Singh

Ishveena Singh is a versatile journalist and writer with a passion for drones and location technologies. She has been named as one of the 50 Rising Stars of the geospatial industry for the year 2021 by Geospatial World magazine.

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