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Check out Autel’s booth at CES with the company’s owner Maxwell Lee [Video]

While at CES 2022, DroneDJ‘s Seth Kurkowski had the opportunity to speak with the owner of Autel Robotics, Maxwell Lee.

At Autel’s booth, the two spoke about the company’s latest products, the Autel EVO Nano and Lite series, as well as the company’s more high-end offerings.

Autel EVO Nano and Lite

The EVO Nano, Nano+, Lite, and Lite+ join the company’s EVO II series of drones as the company’s lower-cost consumer drones.

While these drones may be smaller and cheaper, Lee doesn’t want consumers to underestimate the power of the drones.

With impressive battery life and high-quality cameras, the Lite and Nano drones become easy-to-transport content creation machines.

Autel EVO II

As the EVO II gets older, and the Lite+ comes in with impressive video creation features, it may be easy to think that the EVO II is losing its top spot, but it hasn’t. The additional sensors and more tailored app continue to position the EVO II as the company’s drone for more professional video production and uses.


While the Dragonfish vehicle may be prohibitively expensive for most of us, it isn’t tailored or meant for the average person. The extremely long battery life and extensive camera options make the Dragonfish perfect for enterprise or law-enforcement purposes. Whether that’s border patrol or watching for pirates, Lee made it clear that this drone is exclusively for non-weaponized purposes.

Video interview with Maxwell Lee

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