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InDro, Area X.O open Canada’s cutting-edge drone test facility

Indro drone

A group of Canadian tech sector companies including InDro Robotics, backed by government agencies, have announced the opening of the Drone and Advanced Robotics Testing and Training Zone (DARTT), which is being touted as the nation’s first full-range, cutting-edge center for drone, automated ground vehicle, and diverse robotic craft trials.

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InDro earns FAA BVLOS waiver for US drone inspections – ‘a Canadian first’

InDro FAA BVLOS drone

Drone services and ground robotic vehicle specialist InDro Robotics has received a waiver from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to operate beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) UAV flights in the US, a first for a Canadian company according to the Toronto-based firm.

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