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Hong Kong

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Photographer captures Urban Jungle of Hong Kong with Phantom 4 drone [video]

Photographer Andy Yeung shows off the urban sprawl of the city of Hong Kong. Initially, Yeung used a regular DSLR camera to capture this multicultural and bustling city but in 2015 he switched to drone cameras from DJI, the Phantom series to be precise. On his website, he said: “Two years ago, I discovered a new passion for aerial photography. I put together several aerial series including Urban Jungle, which attracted international attention. My recent 360-degree photos went viral on Facebook and been shared thousands of times”.


DJI drones with thermal cameras tested by Hong Kong police elite units

DJI drones with thermal cameras tested by Hong Kong police elite units Infrared 3

After Police departments in Boston and Los Angeles, Hong Kong is now testing drones outfitted with thermal cameras to fight terrorism, catch bad guys and help with search and rescue operations. The Hong Kong’s elite police squads have recently begun testing with thermal drones. The drones manufactured by DJI, the world’s largest manufacturer of unmanned aircraft vehicles, that recently had its products banned by the US army, were being considered for anti-crime and antiterrorism operations, police officials told the Post. The drones would not be used for surveillance at protests and rallies.
