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police drones

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No spotters, no limits: California police drones now fly at 400 feet

california cop drones 400 feet flock aerodrome

California’s Elk Grove Police Department (EGPD) is officially soaring to new heights — literally. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has granted EGPD a groundbreaking Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) waiver, making them the first law enforcement agency in the US to fly drones at 400 feet across an entire city — without human spotters.

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FAA clears Campbell police for round-the-clock drone missions

faa campbell police drone waiver

The Campbell Police Department in California has become the first to receive a special waiver from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations as part of its Drone as a First Responder (DFR) program. This groundbreaking approval allows the department to fly drones during nighttime too.

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DJI responds to price-exploding “Drones for First Responder Act”

Pearland Police drone first responder

The most recent in a long series of US government agency and legislative initiatives to squeeze DJI drones from the domestic market targets a critical user category in particular: lifesaving first responder organizations. Given the literally existential stakes that the bill poses, DJI has responded with a detailed arguments against its eventual passage into law.

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New ACLU report on police drone surveillance of public gatherings

Police Drone Surveillance ACLU Report

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is flagging constitutional concerns with police using drone technology to surveil public gatherings and the vital protections communities need to curb abuse. These questions come in light of the news that police departments have already used drones to monitor everything from large-scale public gatherings, such as parades and protests, to small, private gatherings like backyard barbeques.

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Teledyne FLIR offering public safety grant assistance for SIRAS drone

Teledyne FLIR SIRAS drone grant

Drone-based response and air-to-ground surveillance with thermal imaging are becoming increasingly important to police investigations. However, procuring an advanced drone model that can assist with public safety jobs can be quite an investment. This is why Teledyne FLIR has teamed up with to help police agencies across the US secure grants for their drone programs.

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Court rebuffs Chula Vista police claims its drone videos are secret

Chula Vista police drone

The continuing evolution of rules and legal interpretations on official drone use in the US took another twist this week with the decision by a California appellate court rebuffing Chula Vista municipal police claims that all videos its UAVs capture on duty are “records of investigations,” and as such protected from public scrutiny.

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BRINC to supply LEMUR 2 drones in $700K Schenectady police force deal

BRINC LEMUR 2 police

Seattle-based UAV security and emergency situational awareness specialist BRINC has recruited another big US client to its LEMUR 2 drone offer, with the New York city of Schenectady voting Tuesday to approve a nearly $700,000 contract with the startup to introduce the craft as police department asset.

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New York police drone use skyrockets despite public privacy fears

Disneyland drone

When New York Mayor Eric Adams announced the liberalization of permitting rules for drone operation in the city last July, he predicted it would lead to a growth of aerial services improving residents’ daily lives. One application he didn’t mention is one many New Yorkers are least enamored with: UAV surveillance by the police, which has increased exponentially over the past year.

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