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David MacQuarrie

David MacQuarrie is a 35 year+ veteran of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. He worked in St. John’s,  Ottawa, Toronto, and Beijing where he worked as a news writer, reporter, producer for the national and local television and radio networks.  His stories on science and technology won ACTRA and Columbus awards.

Investment banks using drone technology to scout out potential acquisitions

Wall Street is taking advantage of “outsider information.” It’s flying drones to help clients get a better idea of the companies they’re interested in bidding on.

According to NBC News, Goldman Sachs is just one of a number of investment banks touring ports, railroads, warehouses, and big-box retail locations with drones to help buyers look for new things to acquire.

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Can drones learn from bugs?

Researchers at UNSW Canberra in Australia believe they have cracked one of the secrets that allow the ungainly bumblebee to fly so dexterously. And they think that may have an application to the next generation of drones.

Bumblebees apparently have a keen sense of their own size. And that allows them to fly through complex and cluttered environments without crashing or wrecking their delicate wings. It’s a possible learning moment for an autonomous drone.

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Flying cars may soon find a place to park in Florida

The 1960s animated cartoon series The Jetsons is best remembered for its depiction of a future that just never seems to get any closer (apart from video phones). And nothing about this future is more lamented than the prolonged absence of George Jetson’s flying electric car.

The bad news: There are still no flying electric cars. The good news: Florida is building a place to park them.

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Drones: The worst thing to happen to UFOs since Orson Welles

This month, mysterious lights startled some people looking to the skies in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Readers of this website will already know there is no mystery; the UFO lights at Maier Festival Park were just drones practicing for a Christmas Pageant light show.

But there’s a long history of alarming lights in the sky and earthlings assuming it just can’t be good.

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Protecting a drone with tensegrity

There’s a reason hobbyist drones come with a few extra sets of propellers. Even the most careful fliers still manage to steer their drones into surprise trees and unexpected walls. Propeller guards protect against many kinds of bruisings. But what about protection for the entire drone? What about protecting the drone against high speed crashes against concrete barriers? What about that?

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First Dates with New Drones: A rookie flies the DJI Minis

As an early drone adopter, my heart broke often. My first drone was a toy helicopter that took one fuzzy shot of me from about 40 feet up before I lost control and it hit the ground never to fly again. Then a series of mostly “toy” quadcopters, one of which was monstered by my niece’s dog. But last month, DJI loaned us a Mavic Mini (now discounted) and then the just-released Mini 2. I flew both for the first time within days of one another.

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The threat of the terror drones

Most hobbyists consider their drone to be a terrific tool — a lot less dangerous than a hammer and way more fun.

But there are times when we wonder about the drone’s dark potential. What could it do in the wrong hands? Out of a sense of good citizenship, though, most drone users are unlikely to share those thoughts in public.

Well, feel free to vent because the Association of the United States Army voiced your worst fears.

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